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Lose Weight in a Week

Perform all exercises in sequence without resting. Rest three minutes between circuits. 1. Front Squat - 10 reps 2. Romanian Deadlift - 10 reps 3. Leg Press - 10 reps 4. Prone Hamstring Curl - 10 reps 5. Reverse Sled Drag - 30 yards 6. Prowler Push - 30 yards Repeat for five circuits. Perform all exercises in sequence without resting. Rest three minutes between circuits. 1. Pull-Up - 10 reps 2. Standing DB Shoulder Press - 10 reps 3. BB Bent-Over Row - 10 reps 4. Push-Ups - 10 reps 5. Med Ball Wall Slams - 40 seconds 6. Battle Rope Alternating Underhand Wave - 40 seconds Repeat for five circuits. Perform each exercise in sequence without resting. Rest two minutes between circuits. Circuit 1 A1. Clean and Press - 4 reps A2. Heavy Prowler Push - 20 yards A3. Battle Rope Complex* - 60 seconds Circuit 2 B1. Sled Pull-Through (flat back) - 20 yards B2. Farmers Walk w. Turn Around** - 30 yards B3. Med Ball Complex*** - 80 reps * Alternating underhand...
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