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Lose Weight in a Week

Perform all exercises in sequence without resting. Rest three minutes between circuits. 1. Front Squat - 10 reps 2. Romanian Deadlift - 10 reps 3. Leg Press - 10 reps 4. Prone Hamstring Curl - 10 reps 5. Reverse Sled Drag - 30 yards 6. Prowler Push - 30 yards Repeat for five circuits. Perform all exercises in sequence without resting. Rest three minutes between circuits. 1. Pull-Up - 10 reps 2. Standing DB Shoulder Press - 10 reps 3. BB Bent-Over Row - 10 reps 4. Push-Ups - 10 reps 5. Med Ball Wall Slams - 40 seconds 6. Battle Rope Alternating Underhand Wave - 40 seconds Repeat for five circuits. Perform each exercise in sequence without resting. Rest two minutes between circuits. Circuit 1 A1. Clean and Press - 4 reps A2. Heavy Prowler Push - 20 yards A3. Battle Rope Complex* - 60 seconds Circuit 2 B1. Sled Pull-Through (flat back) - 20 yards B2. Farmers Walk w. Turn Around** - 30 yards B3. Med Ball Complex*** - 80 reps * Alternating underhand

5 Best Biceps Exercises for Fast Growth

Biceps are one part of the body that really make you stand out in a crowd. Bigger and stronger biceps not only enhance your visual appeal, but also help you perform your day-to-day activities easily since biceps are an important muscle for that purpose. Biceps are a small muscle in the human body located on the anterior part of your upper arm. They are roughly attached to the shoulders and elbow and contract to pull the hands to the body. Building stronger and bigger biceps however takes a lot of time and effort. Biceps are a difficult muscle to grow since their rate of growth greatly reduces over time. You can get an extra inch or two with after a month of training but the next two inches will take more than a month. Not all biceps exercises are aimed at a speedy growth. Some exercises just help maintain the strength and add shape to your bicep. But if you’re looking for bigger biceps and fast, you’ll need to replace those exercises with the ones mentioned below. 1. Standin