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Showing posts from February, 2015


The No. 1 favorite exercise of any trainer who wants to help their clients burn fat, the burpee has become a staple in programs from bootcamps to CrossFit, and everything in between. A full-body explosive motion that requires better cardio than hill sprints and more coordination than nearly any exercise, there’s no doubt this will accelerate your progress toward your leanest, most ripped self. - via See more at:

Star Plank

This advanced variation of the plank not only places a greater challenge for your core, but it brings the chest and shoulders into play. All the muscle groups under tension will benefit from this exercise. Who knew? You actually can work your chest, shoulders, and abs at the same time! - Via  See more at:

Close Grip Pushups

This one’s a variation on the pushup that specifically targets the triceps—and big triceps make your arms look that much bigger. Not only that, but all your muscles, including biceps and triceps, grow in pairs. Bigger triceps means bigger biceps by definition. Add this move to your arm workout and watch progress soar. - via :

Inverted Row Exercise

Arguably as good of a back developer as the pullup, the inverted row is a great opposing motion to work with the pushup. Turn the hands around so you’re holding the bar underhand and you’ve got a better bicep builder than any curl variation out there. Wide shoulders and big arms? You’ll get some more attention on the beach this summer. - via :

Glute Bridge

Many experts agree that having strong, mobile glutes is essential for good back health—and certain other experts agree that having a set of glutes greatly enhances your sex appeal. Start doing these and get ready for two things: spending some money on bigger pants and having girls start asking for your number, instead of vice versa. - via :

Rollout (Ab wheel or barbell)

The tension in the rollout is similar to what one experiences in a plank—just jacked up a notch. The farther one rolls out, the harder the exercise becomes, leading to better results, not to mention you'll look like a total badass while the meathead on the bench press falls on his face while trying to do it. - via :

Shoulder Stability and incredible muscle endurance of the Abs

Holding a plank for a minute-plus is considered by fitness experts to be a very impressive measure of fitness. It requires excellent shoulder stability and incredible muscle endurance of the abs, lower back, shoulders, neck, and legs. Not only that, but it works well to develop an impressive six-pack (more time under tension = more muscle). - via :

The pullup hits every muscle in the body

Another classic move. The pullup hits every muscle in the body and is underrated in terms of arm and abs development. It stands alone as the original biceps curl and is the best thing you can do for your arms. Ditch the curls in favor of the pullup and watch your arms grow like weeds. - Via

The pushup is essential for building a big chest,

This one is a timeless classic. The pushup is essential for building a big chest, cannonball delts, and triceps that look like the wishbone you pulled out of the turkey on Thanksgiving. Master this move and it will yield the same benefits as the bench press. - Via :

Curls in the Squat rack

When you walk into the gym and every single bench and squat rack is taken by a bigger, stronger guy or by that “bro” doing curls in the squat rack, you could just turn around and walk out and say you’ll come back later. However, that isn’t an option when you’re trying to be your best you, because you know consistency is key. That one day off can lead to a week, which can lead to a month, and so on. Add these moves to your arsenal and watch the fat melt off your midsection all while building muscle, without skipping a day. - Via :

Worthster in the 'Reps Gym Preston; Bicep Blaster'

Worthster - Bicep Blaster on by Worthy100 Worthster in the 'Reps Gym Preston; Bicep Blaster' on Via  Sport and Fitness. The aim is to do as many continuous curls as possible. This is a great exercise for the biceps.  is the home of free sport and fitness

Best Biscep Workout!

Best bicep workout by f1053947131 Photo By The best biceps workout in gym!, Click the image to view the video of workout of bisceps.

5 Best Shoulders Exercises for Massive Delts

Shoulders are one of the most neglected body parts in exercises because unlike chest or abs muscles these are not considered glamorous. People believe that they do not contribute much to your outlook as a bodybuilder. I find quite the opposite to be true. Nothing adds to your size like well built shoulders.  They add to your definitive shape and give you the personality you've been looking for. Many beginners find shoulder training the most difficult exercise of their routine because they do not follow the proper routine and make textbook mistakes. Things to remember: Firstly, your focus while training shoulders should be on compound training exercises. Isolated exercises don't produce results as good as compound exercises do. Secondly, when exercising to gain mass always go for low reps and high weights. When doing the following exercises, you should use any kind of weight that gets you exhausted in 6-8 reps, nothing more. Side Lateral Dumbbell Raise: Stand ,...

5 Best Biceps Exercises for Fast Growth

Biceps are one part of the body that really make you stand out in a crowd. Bigger and stronger biceps not only enhance your visual appeal, but also help you perform your day-to-day activities easily since biceps are an important muscle for that purpose. Biceps are a small muscle in the human body located on the anterior part of your upper arm. They are roughly attached to the shoulders and elbow and contract to pull the hands to the body. Building stronger and bigger biceps however takes a lot of time and effort. Biceps are a difficult muscle to grow since their rate of growth greatly reduces over time. You can get an extra inch or two with after a month of training but the next two inches will take more than a month. Not all biceps exercises are aimed at a speedy growth. Some exercises just help maintain the strength and add shape to your bicep. But if you’re looking for bigger biceps and fast, you’ll need to replace those exercises with the ones mentioned below. 1. Standin...

Which of The 3 Body Types Are You?

Over the years, there have developed several different types of categorising the human body. In Ayurvedic medicine that evolved from five thousand-year-old Sanskrit teachings, body types and their associated personalities were defined as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If we go back to our high school/college days you will probably remember a guy by the name of William H. Sheldon. It was Sheldon who introduced his theory of Somotypes back in the 1940's. His basic theory proposed that there are basically three body types and each body type has a specific personality associated with it. The theories that Sheldon presented has become a central vein running through literature and research with respect to weight loss, exercise, and bodybuilding. The body type system that Sheldon introduced characterised the human body as ectomorphic, mesomorphic, or endomorphic. Not every human being fits exactly into one of these categories but contains characteristics of each, although one is usually predo...

5 Best Tom Hardy Traps Exercises

If you’ve seen Tom Hardy in Warrior or The Dark Knight Rises, you must’ve wondered how he got that giant muscular body. While a lot of actors put on fake skins on them to look muscular, Hardy actually built it all. The most significant features of his upper body has got to be those giant traps which many believe to be genetical, but actually is the result of some immense gym workouts we're just going to look at. 1. Trap Bar Deadlift Deadlift is among the best compound exercises that hits your back, chest and arms. One variation of the exercises is using a trap bar which has parallel holders. The procedure is simple. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart holding the trap bar in both hands and stand like in a normal deadlift position. 2. Dumbbell Shrugs Shrugs is another powerful exercises for building up traps. It also acts on the shoulders. While shrugs can seem easy at start, on a higher weight, it becomes harder to complete a set. To do shrugs, hold dumbbells i...

Top 9 Inspiring Young Bodybuilders to Lookup to!

Bodybuilding, that is a life style is surely an addiction of the highest levels. I've been testing my limits for 2+ years and i know how hard these guys have been working out. The list today compiles few of many amazing and inspirational bodybuilders whom one can watch and follow for years to come. Each one of these strong characters athletes have so much to offer not only aesthetics wise but presenting a strong mind set for success. All of these guys on the list are the one i follow on regular basis, if not daily. Their YouTube workout videos are amazing too and surely act as a strong pre-workout stimulant. The list is in no particular order, as they all have a unique personality and can't be judged with a mere top list. #1 Chris Lavado Chris Lavado is another great personality to follow in natural bodybuilding world. His YouTube workout videos are full of inspiration. His photoshoots with Legends of Asthetics brand are truly full of ripped physiques. #2 Marc Fi...