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Rollout (Ab wheel or barbell)

The tension in the rollout is similar to what one experiences in a plank—just jacked up a notch. The farther one rolls out, the harder the exercise becomes, leading to better results, not to mention you'll look like a total badass while the meathead on the bench press falls on his face while trying to do it. - via :

Shoulder Stability and incredible muscle endurance of the Abs

Holding a plank for a minute-plus is considered by fitness experts to be a very impressive measure of fitness. It requires excellent shoulder stability and incredible muscle endurance of the abs, lower back, shoulders, neck, and legs. Not only that, but it works well to develop an impressive six-pack (more time under tension = more muscle). - via :

The pullup hits every muscle in the body

Another classic move. The pullup hits every muscle in the body and is underrated in terms of arm and abs development. It stands alone as the original biceps curl and is the best thing you can do for your arms. Ditch the curls in favor of the pullup and watch your arms grow like weeds. - Via

The pushup is essential for building a big chest,

This one is a timeless classic. The pushup is essential for building a big chest, cannonball delts, and triceps that look like the wishbone you pulled out of the turkey on Thanksgiving. Master this move and it will yield the same benefits as the bench press. - Via :

Curls in the Squat rack

When you walk into the gym and every single bench and squat rack is taken by a bigger, stronger guy or by that “bro” doing curls in the squat rack, you could just turn around and walk out and say you’ll come back later. However, that isn’t an option when you’re trying to be your best you, because you know consistency is key. That one day off can lead to a week, which can lead to a month, and so on. Add these moves to your arsenal and watch the fat melt off your midsection all while building muscle, without skipping a day. - Via :

Worthster in the 'Reps Gym Preston; Bicep Blaster'

Worthster - Bicep Blaster on by Worthy100 Worthster in the 'Reps Gym Preston; Bicep Blaster' on Via  Sport and Fitness. The aim is to do as many continuous curls as possible. This is a great exercise for the biceps.  is the home of free sport and fitness

Best Biscep Workout!

Best bicep workout by f1053947131 Photo By The best biceps workout in gym!, Click the image to view the video of workout of bisceps.