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The No. 1 favorite exercise of any trainer who wants to help their clients burn fat, the burpee has become a staple in programs from bootcamps to CrossFit, and everything in between. A full-body explosive motion that requires better cardio than hill sprints and more coordination than nearly any exercise, there’s no doubt this will accelerate your progress toward your leanest, most ripped self. - via See more at:

Star Plank

This advanced variation of the plank not only places a greater challenge for your core, but it brings the chest and shoulders into play. All the muscle groups under tension will benefit from this exercise. Who knew? You actually can work your chest, shoulders, and abs at the same time! - Via  See more at:

Close Grip Pushups

This one’s a variation on the pushup that specifically targets the triceps—and big triceps make your arms look that much bigger. Not only that, but all your muscles, including biceps and triceps, grow in pairs. Bigger triceps means bigger biceps by definition. Add this move to your arm workout and watch progress soar. - via :

Inverted Row Exercise

Arguably as good of a back developer as the pullup, the inverted row is a great opposing motion to work with the pushup. Turn the hands around so you’re holding the bar underhand and you’ve got a better bicep builder than any curl variation out there. Wide shoulders and big arms? You’ll get some more attention on the beach this summer. - via :

Glute Bridge

Many experts agree that having strong, mobile glutes is essential for good back health—and certain other experts agree that having a set of glutes greatly enhances your sex appeal. Start doing these and get ready for two things: spending some money on bigger pants and having girls start asking for your number, instead of vice versa. - via :

Rollout (Ab wheel or barbell)

The tension in the rollout is similar to what one experiences in a plank—just jacked up a notch. The farther one rolls out, the harder the exercise becomes, leading to better results, not to mention you'll look like a total badass while the meathead on the bench press falls on his face while trying to do it. - via :

Shoulder Stability and incredible muscle endurance of the Abs

Holding a plank for a minute-plus is considered by fitness experts to be a very impressive measure of fitness. It requires excellent shoulder stability and incredible muscle endurance of the abs, lower back, shoulders, neck, and legs. Not only that, but it works well to develop an impressive six-pack (more time under tension = more muscle). - via :